
I am delighted to sign up to the Focus Ireland pledge to vote against any reduction in homeless services or budget until there is demonstrable reduction in the number of people who are homeless in our community. I strongly hope that all my fellow candidates in Dun-Loaghaire Rathdown will do the same. I commend Focus Ireland on this campaign and on the vital work that they do in tackling homelessness, an issue which is of crucial importance for families and communities right across Ireland.

If elected, I also pledge to go further and  work for a housing strategy in DLR for an affordable housing programme, reduced social housing waiting lists, and that will ensure no family with children has to live in hostels or bed and breakfasts.

You can contact your local election candidates directly and ask them to pledge through the Focus Ireland Take Action section – let’s work together on this one, and make sure no one is left out in the cold.

